Cryptocurrency Imperium Empires (IME)
The price for Imperium Empires (IME) cryptocurrency is currently 0.00026 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00025 - 0.00028 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
24.42K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0XF891214FDCF9CDAA5FDC42369EE4F27F226ADAD6/0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7 at the LFJ exchange
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Chart Imperium Empires (IME)
Current price Imperium Empires (ime) | 0.00026 $ |
Market Capitalization | 2.02K $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 35.76 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0000015 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0000015 $ |
Market cap rank | № 8982 |
Absolute maximum | 0.065 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.0000013 $ |
Imperium Empires Quotes
Last traded
1 | 0XF891214FDCF9CDAA5FDC42369EE4F27F226ADAD6/0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7 |
0.0000014 $
0.66% | 5.46 $ | 2025-02-18 19:16:55 |
What is Imperium Empires (IME)
Imperium Empires is an AAA-quality space metaverse built on Avalanche that has the following unique features, through a range of PvE and PvP gameplay:
1. AAA-quality graphics and gameplay built by an experienced team of game developers, game designers, 2D & 3D artists and blockchain developers;
2. a NFT burn mechanism where NFTs (e.g. spaceships) can be damaged or destroyed during battles in PvP zones that players voluntarily enter;
3. Gamifying DeFi and seamlessly connecting 3 billion gamers worldwide to DeFi through integrating top DeFi protocols on the Avalanche ecosystem into the gameplay of the Imperium metaverse; and
4. Pioneering âTeam-to-Earnâ where players join and compete in guilds â guilds can also easily find, manage and train their guild members or scholars through Imperium Empires' official guild and scholars management system designed for guilds.
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