10% trading discount ByBit


1 AAG =
 $ 0.0055
Market Capitalization:
1.79M $
Circulating supply:
326.12M AAG
1.00B AAG
Volume (24h):
84.45K $
Daily range:
0.0051 - 0.0056
Changes (7d):

Cryptocurrency AAG (AAG)

The price for AAG (AAG) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0055 $ (15 min delay), daily range of currency change is 0.0051 - 0.0056 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume - 84.45K $, price variance +3.06% .
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0XAE0609A062A4EAED49DE28C5F6A193261E0150EA/0XCF664087A5BB0237A0BAD6742852EC6C8D69A27A at the Sushiswap (Harmony) exchange

Project Website - https://aag.ventures/
Explorer of transactions - https://etherscan.io/token/0x5ba19d656b65f1684cfea4af428c23b9f3628f97
Twitter Account - https://twitter.com/aag_ventures

Chart AAG (AAG)

Current price AAG (aag) 0.0055 $
Market Capitalization 1.23M $
Trading Volume last 24h 1.28 $
Minimum exchange rate (24h) 0.0020 $
Maximum exchange rate (24h) 0.0024 $
Market cap rank № 3399
Absolute maximum 0.44 $
Absolute minimum 0.00025 $

AAG Quotes

Last traded
0.0019 $
0.61% 0.54 $ 2025-02-16 00:38:28

What is AAG (AAG)

AAG Ventures is the tech company that built a guild of 1.5K scholars in only 7 weeks (currently 2K+ scholars in 7 countries). Going forward AAG is positioned to become the leading platform for Play-To-Earn (P2E) and Learn-To-Earn (L2E). AAG has a mission to create economic freedom worldwide through the metaverse and a goal to bring 100M people onto the metaverse by 2030.

The AAG strategy has 4 pillars:

(1) Launch THE P2E platform. This platform will provide “picks and shovels” for guilds and be the backbone for P2E. Features that will go into beta in 22Q1 include: wallet security, payroll automation and performance management.

(2) Launch the world’s first Learn-To-Earn (L2E) platform. L2E applications will pay participants crypto for learning transferable skills (e.g., math, programming or even how to build the Metaverse) through a gamified experience. Features from the P2E platform will accelerate this pillar.

(3) Expand the AAG Guild, which will allow us to generate immediate economic impact, expand across the globe (from 7 to 20 countries), diversify across games and gain first hand insight on how to build the first two pillars.

(4) Stand up the AAG Nonprofit Foundation, which will allow us to execute initiatives that focus on creating economic freedom without concern for generating profit.

AAG’s team represents 17 countries and is comprised of 15 full time and 45 total members. It includes boots-on-the-ground in SE Asia and LATAM, crypto natives and veterans of Silicon Valley and Wall Street. The team includes 80+ years of combined software and operations experience (incl., Google, JPMorgan, TIBCO and McKinsey).

AAG raised $12.5M in a private round led by Shima Capital, Tribe Capital and Tess Ventures. This is the 2nd largest round in its category [t.ly/cBQY]

AAG has forged deep bonds with many (16+ and increasing weekly) P2E projects in blockchain security and infrastructure; guild; gaming: and NFT Lending [t.ly/YnCW]

[–] Blockchain security and infrastructure: Lossless, CYBAVO, Harmony, Login ID, Hacken

[–] Guilds: Avocado, Legadzo Scholarship, AXIE.MX

[–] Gaming: Sipher, Thetan Arena, Vulcan Forged, Community Gaming, CUKIES.World, Immortal Game, De-Horizon

[–] NFT Lending: RentMyNFT

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aag_ventures/
Medium: https://blog.aag.ventures/

Telegram: https://t.me/aagventures/

Website: https://aag.ventures/

Litepaper: https://litepaper.aag.ventures/

[Notes about the Launch]

We have configured our launch with start weights of 99 / 1 in order to make the auction more accessible to retail buyers. More info: [t.ly/qYh3]

We’re releasing 27.5M AAG Tokens during the TLA. The total number of tokens available during the launch is 55.0M because 50% of the tokens are there for liquidity purposes.

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