Cryptocurrency XDAO (XDAO)
The price for XDAO (XDAO) cryptocurrency is currently 0.68 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.60 - 0.69 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
19.79K $, price variance
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Current price XDAO (xdao) | 0.68 $ |
Market Capitalization | 530.95K $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 49.87K $ |
Market cap rank | № 4676 |
Absolute maximum | 1.47 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.011 $ |
XDAO Quotes
Last traded
No active trades for this coin. |
What is XDAO (XDAO)
What is XDAO?
XDAO was created with the idea to make DAOs the place for crypto mass adoption by providing the tools for groups to control mutual treasury, build communities and invest in DeFi.
In short, XDAO is a fully customizable DAO builder for treasury management, multisig wallet and the platform for investment. DAOs on XDAO can be any-sized companies.
What problem does XDAO solve?
XDAO solves the problem of mutual budget management. In XDAO a group of people can easily create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, deposit crypto assets, manage them by voting, sell DAO shares and directly interact with DeFi protocols.
Who can use XDAO?
- Venture Capital Funds;
- Funds and foundations;
- Startups;
- DeFi projects;
- Freelance groups;
- NFT owners;
- GameFi Guilds.
What can be implemented with XDAO?
- Full or partial management of the DeFi project treasury;
- Salary treasury/marketing treasury for any blockchain organization;
- Grant program/bug bounty treasury;
- Investing in DeFi with total assets;
- Investing in NFT and GameFi;
- Charity;
- Joint participation in any Allocations, IDO, Launchpad;
- Family treasury management and many other use cases.
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