Cryptocurrency Wonderful Memories (WMEMO)
The price for Wonderful Memories (WMEMO) cryptocurrency is currently 27.84K $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 27.73K - 28.18K .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
221.02K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0X0DA67235DD5787D67955420C84CA1CECD4E5BB3B/0X130966628846BFD36FF31A822705796E8CB8C18D at the Sushiswap (Avalanche) exchange
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Chart Wonderful Memories (WMEMO)
Current price Wonderful Memories (wmemo) | 27.84K $ |
Market Capitalization | 0.00 $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 166.87 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 102.96 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 6.53K $ |
Absolute maximum | 107.33K $ |
Absolute minimum | 92.37 $ |
Wonderful Memories Quotes
Last traded
1 | 0X0DA67235DD5787D67955420C84CA1CECD4E5BB3B/0X130966628846BFD36FF31A822705796E8CB8C18D |
115.77 $
0.79% | 9.25 $ | 2025-02-16 11:14:09 | |
2 | 0XDDC0385169797937066BBD8EF409B5B3C0DFEB52/0X82F0B8B456C1A451378467398982D4834B6829C1 |
6.11K $
0.62% | 58.56 $ | 2025-02-16 13:35:29 | |
3 | 0X21BE370D5312F44CB42CE377BC9B8A0CEF1A4C83/0XDDC0385169797937066BBD8EF409B5B3C0DFEB52 |
6.09K $
0.88% | 30.72 $ | 2025-02-16 12:09:57 |
What is Wonderful Memories (WMEMO)
Wonderland DAO is a DeFi protocol focused on venture capital investments, yield maximizing market strategies, and expanding the utility of the Web3 and DeFi ecosystem by building custom investment products and partnering with growing projects that lay foundations for the future.
Members represent their vote in the governance of the protocol and access their share of the treasury with our native token, wMEMO. Each wMEMO token is backed by a basket of assets in the treasury, a fluid portfolio managed by the community and expert traders elected by the community to seek out the most lucrative and effective strategies in the ecosystem.
Wonderland DAO works to grow the intrinsic value of each wMEMO through market participation to provide long term value accrual, but also provides a continuous stream of tokens to members who stake their wMEMO into The Farm. As our strategies generate new assets, a portion of these new tokens are distributed to members through the farm so members can utilize these assets themselves - providing a unique opportunity for new investors to gain experience interacting with the market alongside us.
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