Cryptocurrency Volta VLT (VLT)
The price for Volta VLT (VLT) cryptocurrency is currently 0.00 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
0.00 $, price variance
Chart Volta VLT (VLT)
Volta VLT Quotes
Last traded
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What is Volta VLT (VLT)
Volta (VLT) is a deflationary token that offers a solution to the electrical and environmental cost of the Perpetuum mining token.
By supporting the installation of solar panels on all Perpetuum mining units, we decrease the environmental impact while lowering the electricity cost.
Profits are obtained through the sale of the electrical resources generated by the volta installations, which are sold to PRP at a price lower than the market price. Once PRPâs payments to Volta are paid, they will be used to buy and burn the VLT token, reducing VLTâs supply, adding to the liquidity and raising the price floor.
Volta staking introduces a new formula never seen before.
A mechanism based on mining where the profits generated by Volta mining are used to buy the Perpetuum $PRP base token and this is distributed among all the tokens that are in staking.
The profits are generated every 4 or 5 days. You can claim the PRP tokens that will be converted to VLT and will be sent to your wallet.
Staking or unstaking will charge you 3%.
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