Cryptocurrency Tom Coin (TMC)
The price for Tom Coin (TMC) cryptocurrency is currently 0.00 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
2.01K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0X8F1FE4E6707CD4236B704759D2EE15166C68183A/0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C at the PancakeSwap (v2) exchange
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Chart Tom Coin (TMC)
Current price Tom Coin (tmc) | 0.00 $ |
Market Capitalization | 0.00 $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 4.50 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 0.000000000085 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 0.000000000089 $ |
Absolute maximum | 0.00000000083 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.000000000050 $ |
Tom Coin Quotes
Last traded
1 | 0X8F1FE4E6707CD4236B704759D2EE15166C68183A/0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C |
0.000000000088 $
0.61% | 7.30 $ | 2025-02-16 18:05:07 |
What is Tom Coin (TMC)
Tom Coin is a crypto project that issued $TMC meme cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain. So, the management appeals to all people. The startup wants to attract poor, rich, young, and old community members. Apart from the above, the developers aim to launch the play-to-earn game and Tomâs metaverse. Simultaneously the team goal is to build a school on every continent. TMC is a BEP20 (BSC) token that allows holders to participate in Tomâs charity initiatives. Also, this altcoin will enable access to the projectâs P2E game in the future. Besides, $TMC is a meme coin that can attract all memes lovers worldwide. As Tom coin we are charging 4% tax for buying and selling, that will 0.2 going to burn, 2% for marketing and the remaining amount for funding the project.
If you love memes, This is the best driven meme coin the team aims to build schools in poor courtiers and support cats shelters. Also, the developers plan to release a P2E game based on Tom character with
metaverse. Therefore, the developers of Tomcoin have decided to fully secure the initial capital and liquidity of the project by sending it in its entirety to the forever looked LP address. It is impossible to reverse this process. This is the highest form of security that can be offered. Transparency is ensured by the fact that no personal contribution was retained before the token was made available. The former Creator Wallet contains about 5% of the total supply, which was purchased by Pancakeswap at a later date. The purchased shares will be used to fund All Tom coin futures projects over an extended period of time. This process will be done piece by piece and always in discussion with the community. A large sale at any point in time is not intended to provide stability.
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