Cryptocurrency Makk (MAKK)
The price for Makk (MAKK) cryptocurrency is currently 0.00 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
0.00 $, price variance
Chart Makk (MAKK)
Makk Quotes
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What is Makk (MAKK)
Makk is a deflationary DeFi token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain. The fundamental principles of Makk are Deflation, Reflection and Automated Liquidity Acquisition to ensure a fair treatment for all investors and holders
Makk operates on a 9% transactional fee from each trade. This fee is distributed in the following way:
Reflection - 3% to proportionally reward existing Makk token holders and incentivise further acquisition of tokens and overall growth. A portion of the reflection also goes permanently to an inaccessible burn wallet, to decrease permanent supply and increase scarcity
Liquidity Pool - 3% this acts to stabilise the value of Makk and prevent whales from selling out crashing the price
Development and Marketing - 3% goes to funding ongoing Makk projects and community engagement and enhancements
The tokenomics of Makk purposefully act to benefit Makk holders and the project as a whole by locking 3% in the liquidity pool to ensure a stable price and prevent large sell-offs that impact the overall price, yet still rewarding existing token holders for their loyalty and incentivising future growth. Reflection also includes the burn of Makk tokens to a dead wallet as a proportional part of the Reflection to ensure the volumes of Makk in circulation are deflationary, increasing the scarcity and value of Makk.
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