Cryptocurrency Hifi Finance [OLD] (MFT)
The price for Hifi Finance [OLD] (MFT) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0050 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.0048 - 0.0051 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
13.03K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair HIFI/BTC at the Upbit Indonesia exchange
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Chart Hifi Finance [OLD] (MFT)
Current price Hifi Finance [OLD] (mft) | 0.0050 $ |
Market Capitalization | 42.53M $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 45.30 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0045 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0046 $ |
Market cap rank | № 789 |
Absolute maximum | 0.060 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.00039 $ |
Hifi Finance [OLD] Quotes
Last traded
1 | HIFI/BTC |
0.44 $
0% | 1.20K $ | 2025-02-18 07:23:39 | |
2 | 0XDF2C7238198AD8B389666574F2D8BC411A4B7428/0X6B175474E89094C44DA98B954EEDEAC495271D0F |
0.0044 $
0.89% | 24.31 $ | 2025-02-17 06:53:49 |
What is Hifi Finance [OLD] (MFT)
Mainframe is the platform for decentralized applications. Resistant to censorship, surveillance, and disruption, the Mainframe network enables any application to send data, store files, manage payments, run tasks, and more. With the exception of a catastrophic asteroid event or an aggressive alien invasion, the Mainframe network is simply unstoppable. We build with five fundamental principles as our guide.
The Mainframe network is the messaging layer for the new web. This goes beyond human-to-human messaging. There are many use-cases and applications for reliably, privately, and securely routing data packets through the Mainframe peer-to-peer network. Mainframe is resistant to censorship, surveillance, and disruption. With the exception of a catastrophic asteroid event or an aggressive alien invasion, the Mainframe network is simply unstoppable. We build with five fundamental principles as our guide.
The Mainframe platform is a developer-friendly SDK providing all these services in a secure peer-to-peer fashion. It is designed to be modular and pluggable, so developers and users can configure which projects they prefer to use for the underlying service layers. Our mission is to delight developers by providing an SDK that is well-documented, supported and backed by strong developer communities.
Because it is not always clear which projects will gain the most momentum, and because developers often have varying preferences, we feel that it is important to design our underlying service architecture to be modular and pluggable, allowing developers and users to configure which projects they prefer to use for each service layer and abstracting away as much of the differences as possible. A single medium of exchange in the form of Mainframe tokens (MFT) is also used to improve the developer and user experience. Where underlying service layers cannot be retrofitted to accept MFT, we will implement atomic swaps between native service-layer tokens and MFT.
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