Cryptocurrency HALO Network (HO)
The price for HALO Network (HO) cryptocurrency is currently 0.24 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.23 - 0.25 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
20.39K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0X41515885251E724233C6CA94530D6DCF3A20DEC7/0X55D398326F99059FF775485246999027B3197955 at the PancakeSwap (v2) exchange
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Chart HALO Network (HO)
Current price HALO Network (ho) | 0.24 $ |
Market Capitalization | 0.00 $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 27.41 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0068 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0069 $ |
Absolute maximum | 8.38 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.0067 $ |
HALO Network Quotes
Last traded
1 | 0X41515885251E724233C6CA94530D6DCF3A20DEC7/0X55D398326F99059FF775485246999027B3197955 |
0.0068 $
0.62% | 36.25 $ | 2025-01-20 21:45:04 |
What is HALO Network (HO)
HALO NETWORK provides one stop integration of DeFi application level with decentralized, energy efficient and low-cost transaction structure with traditional financial instruments.
HALO is dedicated in creating a highly efficient and modular DEFI base layer
as below:
⢠On the basis of large-scale DEFI application scenario, the HPOS block generation rate is faster than the Ethernet time, about 5 seconds or less, and it can handle more than 1000 transactions per second with multi-node cluster.
⢠HALO SWAP adopts innovative transaction management with bimodal liquidity:
-Optimized AMM liquidity management with constant product market making x*y=k;
-Implement HMM trading model to improve price acquisition accuracy and capital efficiency.
⢠Proposed a lower cost and more efficient cross-chain intermediate solution based on the EVM smart contract engine.
⢠Constructed with decentralized oracle machine, providing the most extensive oracle machine data source support, supporting on-chain aggregation and off-chain price aggregation, providing extensive quotation model, including quartile price, average price, and optimal price, TWAP, and credit price.
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