Cryptocurrency Freedom Protocol (FREE)
The price for Freedom Protocol (FREE) cryptocurrency is currently 0.040 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
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Chart Freedom Protocol (FREE)
Current price Freedom Protocol (free) | 0.040 $ |
Market Capitalization | 0.00 $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 0.00 $ |
Absolute maximum | 0.14 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.021 $ |
Freedom Protocol Quotes
Last traded
No active trades for this coin. |
What is Freedom Protocol (FREE)
$FREE is a BEP20 token that automatically pays passive interest every 15 minutes. The total amount of $FREE is variable.. There are details about $FREE.
FP Investment Freedom- $FREE uses its unique FP to reward users with a sustainable fixed interest rate. Users simply purchase Free and place it in their wallet to receive an automatic return on the value of Free every 15 minutes, no collateral, no collection, everything is automated by smart contracts.
FP Wealth Freedom- with an annualized return of 183,394.2% compounded by scientific calculations and backed by Free's seed money. Assuming you invest 100 $FREE today, in 365 days you will have earned 183,394.2 $FREE, realizing up to 1,834X the value of your wealth without taking into account price increases.
FP Governance Freedom- In the world of FP, all rights are given to the holder and we initiate different proposals to be decided by all users who hold $FREE. $FREE is a distributed governance metaverse world where everything is fair and open.
Freedom Protocol is a company focused on DeFi innovation and our team has the knowledge, drive and capability, while we have ample financial backing with investments from multiple fund companies. We will take Freedom Protocol global through an unparalleled group of marketing strategies.
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