Cryptocurrency FinTab (FNTB)
The price for FinTab (FNTB) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0013 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
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0.00 $, price variance
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Chart FinTab (FNTB)
Current price FinTab (fntb) | 0.0013 $ |
Market Capitalization | 1.79K $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 0.00058 $ |
Market cap rank | № 3890 |
Absolute maximum | 0.88 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.00032 $ |
FinTab Quotes
Last traded
No active trades for this coin. |
What is FinTab (FNTB)
The Accounting System for Cryptocurrency Portfolios
The basic principle is that we are doing the service for people.
We take into account what is really necessary and important for every audience.
Private investors
Private investors don't need an overloaded system which is more difficult for understanding than cryptocurrencies. The investor does not care how much the currency has grown; the only thing that matters is how much he has earned and how he can earn more. At the same time, not all users know the basics of trading and they need recommendations.
For traders the maximum automation is required not to waste their time on accounting and analytics. Traders make transactions on various exchanges (because of the rate difference) and financial accounting becomes a very laborious task. If the trader takes the finance under management he needs to report to the clients to make it clear and simple as possible not wasting much time. And it is extremely significant for traders to understand their efficiency. All the traders strive to create the most effective and attractive portfolio to obtain more portfolios under management.
For funds it is needed to reduce the routine processing of huge transaction flows from their customers. It is important to decrease the complexity of maintaining internal accounting and improve its accuracy. And for clients as for investors the most important thing is to understand how much they have earned. At the same time, for funds need this kind of service in any case but in-house solution is costly and requires labor and temporary resources.
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