10% trading discount ByBit


1 DXLM =
 $ 0.000077
Market Capitalization:
0.00 $
Circulating supply:
0.00 DXLM
0.00 DXLM
Volume (24h):
1.42K $
Daily range:
0.000075 - 0.000078
Changes (7d):

Cryptocurrency DogeLumens (DXLM)

The price for DogeLumens (DXLM) cryptocurrency is currently 0.000077 $ (15 min delay), daily range of currency change is 0.000075 - 0.000078 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume - 1.42K $, price variance +0.45% .
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair DXLM/USDT at the Dex-Trade exchange

Project Website - https://dogelumens.com/
Explorer of transactions - https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/DXLM-GAE6DWVMZDAOBU4IIPGDM2EJ65PWZQ5X7MI7PUURWKTEVZSEJHRYI247
Twitter Account - https://twitter.com/DogeLumens

Chart DogeLumens (DXLM)

Current price DogeLumens (dxlm) 0.000077 $
Market Capitalization 0.00 $
Trading Volume last 24h 2.40K $
Minimum exchange rate (24h) 0.00010 $
Maximum exchange rate (24h) 0.00011 $
Absolute maximum 0.010 $
Absolute minimum 0.000012 $

DogeLumens Quotes

Last traded
0.000097 $
0.09% 2.41K $ 2024-06-24 22:08:07

What is DogeLumens (DXLM)

"Doge Lumens
Ecosystem – The cryptocurrency that rewards its user each day and every hour with real social reward experience in a unique ecosystem based on the $DXLM token. Doge Lumens users can earn reward experience by being an active member of the community, participating in games/contests, receiving free $DXLM airdrops as well as many other benefits – community really is at the heart of everything we do.
Our mission - To empower the crypto community with a simpler, quicker and less expensive alternative in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency world. We put our holders at the center of our ecosystem. $DXLM can be used in real life for transactions as well as in the metaverse.
How- Built on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), a faster, cheaper, and completely decentralized network. $DXLM provides a frictionless system to move value across borders, helping bank the unbanked and support peer to peer solutions throughout the metaverse and beyond.
So what does this mean?...... Doge Lumens is a utility solution built on the stellar blockchain – Our development team takes the best parts of the Stellar network and has built a token on top of that ecosystem that has solved many issues in the crypto space. Doge Lumens helps simplify De-fi, creating a network throughout the metaverse, while still allowing transactions peer to peer at lightning-fast speed.
Community - Here at Doge Lumens we truly believe the $DXLM token is a community focused cryptocurrency with real world utility.
The network helps make cross-border transactions faster, cheaper, and more efficient for the masses. We continually listen to our community, innovate on these ideas and create new and exciting ways for Doge Lumens, $DXLM to be the token of choice for today's transfers and tomorrow's digital lives.
Doge Lumens trusted approach to Cryptocurrency is to integrate all community assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem making business truly efficient, transparent and reliable.
Distribution model - The Doge Lumens founding team have set a % of the total supply to be distributed throughout the community rewarding early adopters. The Doge Lumens team has developed a unique distribution model where active participants of the Doge Lumens community can claim a percent of this distribution wallet every day. These tokens have been set aside to be claimed by our community until the wallet has been fully shared. What makes this launch so different is no mining cartel, no pre-sale, no ico, no early whale staking... we have engineered a revolutionary distribution model based on users activity and we believe everyone should be included in this digital revolution.
Find us here - Come join us on our Doge lumens journey and help shape the future of this cryptocurrency and the metaverse.
Check us out at our website Doge Lumens – The Ultimate Doge Standard or our discord https://discord.gg/tDev27t6 and if you have any questions our Mods and our community will answer for you.

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