Cryptocurrency DFE.Finance (DFE)
The price for DFE.Finance (DFE) cryptocurrency is currently 11.21 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 11.01 - 11.23 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
4.48K $, price variance
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Chart DFE.Finance (DFE)
Current price DFE.Finance (dfe) | 11.21 $ |
Market Capitalization | 0.00 $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 176.54 $ |
Absolute maximum | 145.71 $ |
Absolute minimum | 10.54 $ |
DFE.Finance Quotes
Last traded
No active trades for this coin. |
What is DFE.Finance (DFE)
DFE is DeFi Staking, Farming and Exchange. In addition, to yield farming strategies via smart contract DFE provides security services for inexperienced users as a DeFi gateway and shows all on Blockchain to users for transparency purposes. DFE can be easily integrated with CEXs or other platforms for yield farming infrastructure and commission rebates. More Than 60% Liquidity Locked permanently on uniswap. Automated Burning System Until Supply Decrease 50%. The farming Token system Will be release Est 3 month. 1% fees for staking, the interest rate 3% for every user address stake their tokens (Est 3%x30 days=90%/month). If user unstake tokens need to pay 6% of their token and it will burn 3% automatically. 3% Remain tokens fee will be used for another user staking earning. Anyone can be a supporter and earn more benefits. Every user address, if want staking needs a minimum of 1 token for every stake. Limit supply only 60.000 and will be burned to 30.000. The farming system release price will increase slowly and the token will be more limited.
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