Cryptocurrency Crypto Royale (ROY)
The price for Crypto Royale (ROY) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0064 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.0063 - 0.0067 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
3.12K $, price variance
The highest trading volume belongs to the pair 0X68EE0D0AAD9E1984AF85CA224117E4D20EAF68BE/0X0D500B1D8E8EF31E21C99D1DB9A6444D3ADF1270 at the Sushiswap (Polygon POS) exchange
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Chart Crypto Royale (ROY)
Current price Crypto Royale (roy) | 0.0064 $ |
Market Capitalization | 151.18K $ |
Trading Volume last 24h | 170.83 $ |
Minimum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0012 $ |
Maximum exchange rate (24h) | 0.0013 $ |
Market cap rank | № 5799 |
Absolute maximum | 0.22 $ |
Absolute minimum | 0.0010 $ |
Crypto Royale Quotes
Last traded
1 | 0X68EE0D0AAD9E1984AF85CA224117E4D20EAF68BE/0X0D500B1D8E8EF31E21C99D1DB9A6444D3ADF1270 |
0.0012 $
0.65% | 121.05 $ | 2025-02-22 10:47:25 | |
2 | 0XCF664087A5BB0237A0BAD6742852EC6C8D69A27A/0XFE1B516A7297EB03229A8B5AFAD80703911E81CB |
0.0013 $
0.61% | 61.77 $ | 2025-02-22 09:15:37 | |
3 | 0X68EE0D0AAD9E1984AF85CA224117E4D20EAF68BE/0XC2132D05D31C914A87C6611C10748AEB04B58E8F |
0.0012 $
0% | 3.15 $ | 2025-02-19 06:38:27 | |
4 | 0X68EE0D0AAD9E1984AF85CA224117E4D20EAF68BE/0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7 |
0.0013 $
0.62% | 26.39 $ | 2025-02-22 01:06:24 |
What is Crypto Royale (ROY)
Crypto Royale is a browser-based, free-to-play, play-to-earn game in which players compete for fame, glory and a little profit. Last man standing wins crypto. No up-front investment. No downloads. No signups. Get into a game in 30 seconds and win! The game is purposefully designed to be simple to play yet difficult to master.
Every day 1000+ players congregate on the battlefield as they fight to see who can survive and claim the gameâs HRC-20 token â ROY. Players enter a battlefield where they must be âthe last person standingâ. Represented by moons, a playerâs âcharacterâ can be one of three colours (Yellow, Pink, Blue). Colours are interchangeable by collecting boxes dropped onto the battlefield and must be used to ensure a playerâs strength over an opponent in an effort to outsmart, outwit and out manoeuvre other players to become the victor.
The game allows for each player to adopt a style of their own, and often becomes an identifiable trait/signature of said player. Whatever a player and opponentsâ strategy there is a continual external force adding pressure to the gameplay â a closing circle. Venturing outside into the darkness causes a deterioration in health, but the collectables outside can, and often do, provide the weapons needed to claim victory. Positioning and timing are critical components to a playerâs skill set.
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