Cryptocurrency BscBond (BSCB)
The price for BscBond (BSCB) cryptocurrency is currently 0.0047 $ (15 min delay),
daily range of currency change is 0.00 - 0.00 .
Last 24 hours news: trading volume -
851.00 $, price variance
Chart BscBond (BSCB)
BscBond Quotes
Last traded
No active trades for this coin. |
What is BscBond (BSCB)
BSCBOND aims to build an ecosystem around NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain. They plan to develop their own decentralized exchange where users can stake any token and earn BNB. BSCBDEX will offer innovative liquidity features and a smart locking option. Additionally, it'll provide multi-asset pools offering the cross-trade ability for users. Moreover, it aims to provide front-running bot protection and stabilized trading experience for its users.
BSCBond will offer its own NFT marketplace that users can use to convert their NFTs to BSCB effortlessly. Users can validate various NFTs based on originality on their marketplace, own the BEP721 NFTs and assign copyrights to them. Furthermore, users can mint their own NFTs and exchange those at low transaction cost on the BSC.
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